The announcement began

Wednesday , 08 August 2018
Municipal announcement

100 million euros addressed to sport structure and scholastic construction. This is what the new announcement states, that makes available 18 million contributes euros to the public institution to completely break the interests of 100 million euros on a fixed rate loan for projects to requalify the municipal sport structure also thanks to the synthetic turf, to conclude obligatory within the 31/12/2018.

The final or executive projects for which is possible to apply for the contributing admission must be about: construction, completion or retrofit of sport construction and/or instrumental to the sport activity, also in school service, including the acquisition of the areas and of the building addressed to the sport activity.

The beneficiaries will be able to distribute the facilitation of obtained on the 25years loan. Each loan can make use of the completely interests slaughter until the maximum sum of 2million euros. The instances can be presented starting from the h10.00 on the 05/07/2018, until the h24.00 on the 05/12/2018. Each instance must be about a single project or functional batch and it will be checked with window procedure and admitted to contribute until the stocked resources are exhausted.

Final or executive project, to be admitted to contribute must be fitted with positive opinion released by CONI, the instances will be allowed to contain the simply opinion request by CONI who must absolutely be acquired and send by PEC within h24.00 on the 17 December 2018.

Never as this year, it result interesting planning the creation and requalification activity of sport construction in synthetic turf. Italgreen claims strong and receives enthusiastically this new announcement which represent a concrete opportunity for the sport societies and the municipal administration in our Country, to states how much sport and synthetic turf are considered a fundamental element in our society.

User comments
Cristaldi Vincenzo  wrote on  

Ho parlato con il Comune di Acicastello (CT) che mi hanno chiesto delle info in merito e le modalità per accedere al bando. Il Comune a giorni deve presentare un bando per il rifacimento del campo sportivo

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